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Offspring of BISS GCH CH Valor's Jack of All Trades at TriStar CD RE MH WCX VCX CGC TDI DDHF (9/3/2008-2/9/2018)
(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)
Out of GCH Tristar's It Takes A Village JH DN MBISS:
TriStar's Sweeter Than Words (8/30/2016-) [OFA GR-123758F25F-VPI]
TriStar's Word on the Street (8/30/2016-)
TriStar's Mark My Words (8/30/2016-)
Out of Smoketree's Posing For The Paparazzi:
Gc's Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This (3/13/2017-) [OFA GR-125835E25F-VPI]
GC's Miley Making Dreams Happen (3/13/2017-)
GC's Oh So Dreamy (3/13/2017-)
GC's Field Of Dreams Casey (3/13/2017-)
GC's Rosie Dream (3/13/2017-)
GC's Never In Sherman's Wildest Dreams (3/13/2017-)
GC's I Dream of Chasing Rabbits (3/13/2017-)
Out of Gc's Raspberry Parfait In The Summertime:
GC's Brody Brubeck Jazz Man (9/19/2016-)
GC's Jazman Take My Blues Away (9/19/2016-)
GC Parker's Red Hot Jazz (9/19/2016-)
GC's Duchess Ellington, Lady Of Jazz (9/19/2016-) [OFA GR-124322G26F-VPI]
Gc's Leny Red Jazzberry (9/19/2016-)
Gc's Jazz The Golden Lilly (9/19/2016-)
CH Gc's Deep Blue Indigo Jazz Fever TKN (9/19/2016-) [OFA GR-124310G26M-VPI]
Out of Can NMH2 GMH Zaniri Kick It Up a Notch WCX CD TD RN Am CD QA2 MH WCX:
Zaniri's Shotgun Willie JH WC (11/27/2016-)
GMH Zaniri's Starlite Starbrite Can CDX MH WCX *** (11/27/2016-)
Out of RACH Gold'N'Pointzzz Revel In Her Merits CDX GN RM4 RAE4 AXP AJP MFP DS CGC TKN JTV NPV CCA:
Meritorious Revel in the Ride CCA (1/24/2015-)
Meritorious Revel 'N Roar (1/24/2015-)
Meritorious Revels in Rubies (1/24/2015-)
Meritorious Revel Without a Cause (1/24/2015-)
Meritorious Beautiful Revelation (1/24/2015-)
Meritorious Revelations 'N Revolutions RN (1/24/2015-) [OFA GR-118470G24F-NOPI]
Meritorious Revels in her Grace CD BN RM3 RAE2 MX MXJ MJB XF CA CCA (1/24/2015-)
Out of CanCH Melody's Alex My Mtn Music:
CH Tristar Never Say Never Again Ayler (9/26/2012-)
Rocklane's Fashion Police RN,CGC (9/23/2011-) [OFA GR-109570F25F-VPI]
Rocklane's Tropical Fashion CCA (9/23/2011-)
Out of Remuda's Throwin' Rocks At The Moon:
Camlin & Remuda Whole Kit N Kaboodle (4/13/2012-) [OFA GR-122477F73F-VPI]
Out of GCH CH Limelite's Color Me Beautiful RN SH WCX THD CGC RATN VC HR BVISS TKN:
Limelite's Makin' Hay While The Sun Shines (10/30/2011-)
Limelite's No Hay Problema (10/30/2011-)