
Golden Retriever

Looking for a Golden Retriever puppy? Click here.

Offspring of Aust Grand Ch. Waikipark Gold Crusader (4/1/2007-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Aust Ch Waikipark Mischief Maker:

Aust Ch Clarelyn Golden Mischief

Out of Dual Ch. (T) & TS Grand Ch Neut Ch Morningmyst Destiny Bound:

Dual Ch (T) Neut Ch TS Grand Ch Tri Ch Morningmyst Bright Star RA (10/14/2013-) [2:5]
Morningmyst Back In A Flash (10/14/2013-)
Morningmyst Blade Runner (10/14/2013-)
Morningmyst Beyond Heaven TD RN (10/14/2013-)
Morningmyst Beyond The Rainbow (10/14/2013-)
Morningmyst Bewitched (10/14/2013-)
Morningmyst Burst of Gold (10/14/2013-)
Morningmyst Bountiful Beauty (10/14/2013-)
Morningmyst Braveheart (10/14/2013-)
Morningmyst Bound For Stardum (10/14/2013-)
Dual Ch (T) & T. S. Grand Ch. Morningmyst Bound for Glory (10/14/2013-) [AVA 6:2]

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