
Golden Retriever

Looking for a Golden Retriever puppy? Click here.

Offspring of SHR Windy Ridge The Race Is On JH (8/7/2012-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Kilgore's Arwen Queen Of Gondor:

Bishop's Red Baron (10/24/2017-) [OFA Mild (Jan 22 2020)]

Out of Kilgore's Galadriel Queen Of Lorien:

Logan's Pope Benedict (2/19/2020-) [OFA GR-137589F27M-C-VPI]
Empress Rey Of Glacier Point SH WCX (2/19/2020-) [OFA GR-136395G24F-C-VPI]
Jane Arya Imhoff (9/17/2016-)

Out of MK's Jayden Rasin A Ruckus In Idaho:

Mks Ponderays Golden Oakley (1/15/2015-) [OFA GR-120164G30F-NOPI]

Out of MK's Nitty Gritty Hannah:

Mk's Rhoda Bree (1/10/2015-) [OFA GR-118262G24F-PI]
Mk's Magic ''Nike'' Bird (1/10/2015-) [OFA GR-118398G24F-NOPI]
Mk's Navy ''Echo'' Seal (1/10/2015-) [OFA GR-118399G24F-NOPI]
Mk's Nasa ''Camo'' Pilot (1/10/2015-) [OFA GR-118397G24F-NOPI]
Mk's Zeena Princess (1/10/2015-) [OFA GR-118274G24F-PI]

Out of Jo Jo's Ember:

MK's Diamond In The Rough (5/2/2014-) [OFA GR-117728G30F-VPI]

Out of Skyriver MK's Dazzel Me Ruby:

Mkkymbreedazzlemesungold (1/16/2016-) [OFA GR-118814G26F-VPI]
Mk's Abigail Hunter (1/16/2015-)

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