K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Offspring of Carowby's Endless Mt. Claudia (4/29/2000-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

By Kresland's Rugby CD:

Endless Mt. Polo at Kresland

By Endless Mt Spin Doctor:

Endless MT.'s Prime Time (10/11/2006-) [OFA Excellent]

By BOSS Am.Can.CH Borador Willcare Master Copy CD JH WC:

Endless Mt.'s Full Court Press (5/6/2003-) [OFA LR-152102E24M-PI]
Endless Mt. Suzanna (5/6/2003-) [OFA Good]
AmCH Erinhill's Guinness Stout (5/6/2003-) [OFA LR-152330G24M-PI]

By BISS AmCH Lubberline Pumpernickle:

Endless Mtn's Shop Till You Drop (3/22/2006-) [OFA Good]

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