K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Offspring of Inter Ch., Multi Ch Cambremer Silver Lace (5/12/2008-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

By Multi Sh Ch Carpenny Yale at Philipstown:

Lace & Steel Leminiscatus (2015-) [FCI A/A]

By Ch Deluxe Sarracenia Sitkowski Bor:

Port Jr Ch Silver Oscar Leminiscatus (10/8/2014-)
INT Ch, NL Ch, VDH Ch Silver India Leminiscatus (10/8/2014-) [FCI A]

By Pl Ch Centenalee Snow Games at Rocheby:

SILVER AIRLINE Leminiscatus (6/28/2011-) [A/A]

By PL Ch Arthus Sarracenia Majestic Chameleon:

Silver Sierra Leminiscatus (2013-)
Silver Romeo Leminiscatus (4/28/2013-) [FCI A2/A2]
Silver Alpha Leminiscatus (4/28/2013-) [FCI A/A]

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