
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of Int&Fin&Est&Lv&Lt&Rus SU(u) Ch Yellow Waterlily North Star Est W-99 &-01 &-04 Lv W-02 Balt W-02 & -03 &-04 (5/13/1997-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Hoyden Primrose:

Bojaari Floora (4/28/2000-) [A/C (2001)]

Out of Golsett`s Classic Design:

Balanced Velvet (9/18/2005-)
Bright Vanilla (9/18/2005-)

Out of Sarnell Netta's Romance:

Sarnell If Only (9/19/2000-) [A/A (2001)]
Sarnell Idee Fixe (9/19/2004-) [B/C (2001)]

Out of Lovesound Flame Of Fame:

Lovesound Spring Breeze (3/30/2005-) [A/A (2006)]
Lovesound Satin Doll

Out of Salumin's Calamity Jane:

Salumin's Day Dream (5/20/2005-)

Out of Eisapurran Queen Diana:

Landmaster's Adalmina (9/19/1999-) [C/C (2000)]

Out of Delibes's Elegant Ewelyn:

Delibes`s Jukolan Venla (8/2/2005-)
Delibes`s Jukolan Aapo (8/2/2005-)
Delibes`s Jukolan Eero (8/2/2005-)
Delibes`s Jukolan Jussi (8/2/2005-)
Delibes`s Jukolan Lauri (8/2/2005-)
Delibes`s Jukolan Simeon (8/2/2005-)
Delibes's Jukolan Timo (8/2/2005-)
Delibes`s Jukolan Tuomas (8/2/2005-)
Delibes`s Jukolan Valma (8/2/2005-)
Delibas's Jukolan Vilma (8/2/2005-)

Out of Yellow Waterlily Silver Queen:

Yellow Waterlily Juhannusruusu (6/20/2005-)
Yellow Waterlily Juhannusjuhlat (6/20/2005-)

Out of Rantalappia Tutmak:

Bitterblue Ipparolinda (9/21/2000-) [C/C (2002)]

Out of Wiikar's Do-Re-Mi:

Golsett`s Upper Class (9/16/2005-)
Golsett`s Under Fire (9/16/2005-)
Golsett`s Upside Down (9/16/2005-)
Golsett`s Under Pressure (9/16/2005-)
Golsett`s Up-To-Date (9/16/2005-)
Golsett's Up And Down (9/16/2005-)
Golsett`s Use Wisely (9/16/2005-)
Golsett's Up And Coming (9/16/2005-)

Out of EST CH Windalas Midnight Marrow:

EST CH Yarrowford Tubbies Winky (8/28/2001-) [C0/B0]
Yarrowford Tubbies No-No? (8/28/2001-)
Yarrowford Tubbies Po (8/28/2001-)
Yarrowford Tubbies La- La (8/28/2001-)
EST & LV & LTU & BALT CH, LTU W''04 Yarrowford Tubbies Tinky (8/28/2001-2004) [D/D0]
EST JCH & EST CH Yarrowford Tubbies Dipsy (8/28/2001-)

Out of Ch Rus Vudfal Jurmala:

Rus.Gold Dream Viva Nord Star (10/12/2004-)
Rus.Gold Dream Valiant Heart (10/12/2004-)
Rus.Gold Dream Velvet Joy (10/12/2004-)
Rus.Gold Dream Vital Holiday (10/12/2004-)
J.ChRus,Ch.Rus Rus.Gold Dream Verily Delight Simona (10/12/2004-)
Rus.Gold Dream Vendy Vanila Skay

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