
Golden Retriever

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Golden Gay Babe Of Downing  (4/25/1966-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:AKC SA424778 (7/1967)
Breeder:J C & K R Stevens
Owner:Robert J Streeter
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Golden Gay Babe Of Downing
Am. CH. Trigger's Royal Diamond CDX *** OS
Am. CH. J's Golden Gunner CD ***
Chief Never Ready Of Keystone UD
Am. CH. Dub's Duchess UD OD
Diamond's Golden Nell
Mueller's Glittering Benny
Diamond Peg
Golden Duchess of Downing UD
Golden Acres Samson De Buhr
Golden Acres Peter Pan
Sparkle of Sans Souci
Am. CH. Aalii Golden Tammy CD
Am. CH. Golden Knoll's Highlight CD
Aalii Golden Memory

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