
Golden Retriever

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Greatbrook's Tullamore Dew  (3/18/2019-)

Call name:"Liam"
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:USA
State of residence:NH
Registration:AKC SS10962303
Breeder:Lee Daudelin
Owner:Lee Daudelin
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Greatbrook's Tullamore Dew
CH Lycinan's Good Sport CD OS
Apollo Paddingtons Jolly Roger
CH Buckeye Standing Ovation OS
Am. CH. Seeshaw-Firestar Hell-O-Apollo OA OAJ
Lycinan Windancers Lo Lo Lola OD
AM CH Lycinan's Big Bang CDX JH WC VC OS
CH Lycinan's Give Me Liberty CD OD
Greatbrook's Scandal
GCH Hyegold North Star CDX RN CGC TDI
CH Harborview Just U Wait OS BISS BOSS
Hyegold's Me Myself N I TD OA AXJ CCA OD
Greatbrook's Knight Light CCA CGC
Am. CH OTCH CT; Can. CH Highmark Mirasol Once A Knight VCD4 UDX3 JH MX MXJ WC VCX OS SDHF OBHF
CH Sunnyglen's Northern Light

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