
Golden Retriever

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Nevada (LOI 18/113129)  (5/16/2018-)

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Call name:"Esme"
Miscellaneous:MD: Clear Laboklin
Country of origin:Italy
Country of residence:Italy
Registration:FCI 18/113129
Breeder:Mauro Mastrantuono
Owner:Mauro Mastrantuono
Hip clearance:FCI B
Eye clearance:Clear (FSA)
Heart clearance:OK (FSA)
Elbow clearance:FCI 0
Dentition clearance:Full & Correct
prcd-PRA status:Laboklin Clear
PRA1 status:Laboklin Clear
PRA2 status:Laboklin Clear
NCL status:Clear Laboklin
Image linked by:Mauro Mastrantuono [Click to edit image]


Nevada (LOI 18/113129)
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