
Golden Retriever

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High Times Run'n The Roost UD MH 47 WCX *** OS  (9/13/1994-7/27/2010)

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Call name:"Rooster"
Honorifics:Sire of 36 master hunters as of 6/6/15
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:AKC SN19032708 (6-97)
Breeder:Nancy and John Miner
Owner:Nancy & John Miner
Web site:https://www.gaylans.com/dog/rooster/
Hip clearance:OFA GR-54531G26M-T
Eye clearance:CERF GR-15619/2007--158 (E1)
Heart clearance:OFA GR-CA3521/78M/C-PI
Elbow clearance:OFA GR-EL3889M74-T
Thyroid clearance:Vet Normal
prcd-PRA status:Optigen GR-PRA28/160M-PI Clear
Cause of death:stroke
Image linked by:mary hext [Click to edit image]


High Times Run'n The Roost UD MH 47 WCX *** OS
OTCH Tanbark's Solar Eclipse UDX8 JH WC OBHF OS Can. CD
OTCH Shoreland's Big Harry Deal ** OS
Chances R Cool Hand Luke CDX MH OS ***
Shoreland's Somday Shahasta
Tanbarks Frisbee Fetcher OD
OTCH Shoreland's Five Card Draw
OTCH Duster's Amber Starburst OD OBHF
High Times Rollin Thunder UD MH WCX OD
HRCH Kc's High Times Roll'n Gold CDX MH WCX *** OS
HRCH Holway Vodka MH *** OS
KC's Sparkle Plenty MH WCX *** OD
High Times Class Act CDX WCX ** OD
Chances R Wizard Of Wonders UD WCX
Angelic Honey Bear of Marina CD

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