K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Perfect Lady Luck of Hanging Rock  (2/1/2006-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Germany
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration: LCD 06/N 0194
Hip clearance:FCI A2/A2
Elbow clearance:FCI 0/0
prcd-PRA status:Clear by parentage
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Perfect Lady Luck of Hanging Rock
Linjor Union Jack
Tabatha's Chivalry
Am Can CH Tabatha's Knight CD JH CGC
BISS Am CH Tabatha's Frazzle
April Song with Linjor of Hanging Rock
Strongline's Insider
Lili Marlene
Lili Marlene
UK Ch Sandylands My Guy
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
Sandylands Bramble
Kimbleton Ballerina
GB.Sh.Ch. Sandylands Royal Escort
Kenar Kim

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