
Golden Retriever

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Runnymede Flash Point  (9/25/2020-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:USA
Breeder:Elizabeth C Smith
Owner:Elizabeth C Smith
Web site:Www.Runnymedekennels.com
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Runnymede Flash Point
GCHS Summits Fireline Medal Of Honor SDHF OS
CH Summits Fireline Public Outcry OS
Am-Can CH Venture Redog's Magic Hat Trick OS
BIS BISS GCHP2 CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag OD SDHF
Am/Can CH Sombra's Just My Style
BISS AmGCH BISS CanCH Verdoro Tellise Arrowsmith Am/Can OS
Sombra's Leap Of Faith
CH Runnymede Class With A Touch Of Sass
CH Runnymede Go Big Or Go Home
MBIS MBISS MBVISS GCHG Gemini Fallchase The Butler Did It OS SDHF BISS CGC (#1 Golden Retriever 2011)
CH Runnymede Glamorous
CH Goldsmith Runnymede Her Royal Hotness
BISS AmGCH BISS CanCH Verdoro Tellise Arrowsmith Am/Can OS
Am CH Snowshoe Goldsmith Surfurr Girl

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