
Golden Retriever

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Magnum Sanitacteam Day  (5/15/2021-)

Call name:"Hunter"
Country of origin:Serbia
Country of residence:USA
State of residence:CA
Registration:FCI JR 709531
Breeder:Svetlana Andric Sanitacteam Day Kennel
Owner:Melissa Rosales,. Long Beach, CA
Microchip/Tattoo #688038000232056
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Magnum Sanitacteam Day
Sleepysong Leontino
Alibren Galileo To Westervane JW SGWC
Fenpinque Romeo
Sh Ch Alibren Tiggy Wiggy JW
Sleepysong Photo Love
Cro JCh, Sh Ch, V-WW'12,INT CH Fiveshill Sound Reason
Ch Srb Vine Illusion Sleepysong
JChMNE, WT Disco Sanitacteam Day
SRB/MNE/MAK El Magnifico Sanitacteam Day
RoJCh, RoCH, SrbCH Moondust Highlander
SRB/Field Trial Fiveshill Gabriela
WT Dyana Sanitacteam Day
InterMultiCh.Srb. Simonis Dunny Dean
ChMNE Norrybell Sanitacteam Day

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