
Golden Retriever

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Fare's Grace in Motion  (6/21/2001-)

Call name:"Grace"
Country of origin:Canada
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:CKC LL769196
Breeder:Jim & Saundra Fare
Owner:Tristan McFarland
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Fare's Grace in Motion
Can. Ch Ambercroft Indian Jack Jacobs
Am/Can.Ch Gowrielea's Grand Larceny
Am/Can.Ch. Gowrielea's Far'N Away
Can Ch. Nautilus Move'n Violation Can.CD
Can Ch Ambercroft's Let's Celebrate
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS
Ambercroft's Holly's Acton Up
Ambercroft's My Fare Lady
CanCH Meredreme Thorn Among the Roses
Am. CH. Edgehill Sudden Impact OS
Tangleloft Annabelle Lee
Ambercroft's Haley's Fire
Can Ch Racers Bingo Was His Name O
Ambercroft's All Fired Up

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