
Golden Retriever

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Ma?lig / Sherlock

(test breeding entered 6/2022)


Ma?lig / Sherlock
DE Ch, DK UCh, NL Ch. Dutch Consolidation Spy vs Spy
MBISS RuBISS Aust Ch. Goldew Southern Son
JCh, NL Ch. Dutch Consolidation Nothing Else
Goldlab M a la Folie
CHIB / CHIE / FRENCH CH. Fils a Papa de la Cite des Etangs
Goldlab Enjoy the Sun
CH TR Maélig du Fort de Bertheaume
Dual CH.(IB & CS), CH.Lux., CH TR. & CH. B&B Royal Crest Gold-N Cracklyn Fusion
Dual CH. et Trialer Royal Crest Gold-N Dream Skipper
Int. Ch., It. Ch. Royal Crest Gold-N Vanilla Sky
Elite A Trialer Fidélig du Fort de Bertheaume
DUAL CH Int/French CH, CH Beau & Bon 2009, ChT F & A Guisachan Azbine
Lice recommandée Voallig des Bruyeres de Serviere

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