
Golden Retriever

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Steppin' Along On The Spicy Side  (5/9/2022-)

Call name:"Cajun"
Miscellaneous:ICH 2 Carrier
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:USA
State of residence:MD
Registration:AKC SS347487/02
Breeder:Ellen Kuhn/ Bryana Pierce
Owner:Sue Rocco
Hip clearance:OFA GR-145936G24F-C-VPI
Eye clearance:OFA GR-EYE33364/32F-VPI (2/25) E2
Heart clearance:OFA GR-ACA10271/20F-VPI (2/24 ECHO)
Elbow clearance:OFA GR-EL65698F24-C-VPI
prcd-PRA status:UC Davis VGL NCD235246 Clear
PRA1 status:UC Davis VGL NCD235246 Clear
PRA2 status:UC Davis VGL NCD235246 Clear
Ichthyosis status:UC Davis VGL NCD235246 Clear
DM status:UC Davis VGL NCD235246 Clear
NCL status:Clear NCD235246
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Steppin' Along On The Spicy Side
BISS OHBIS GCHB J R's Golden Angel's Steer in the Right Direction BN RN DS CA CGCA CGCU TKN TDI BISS
Am GCH Can GCH MBIS Chestnut Doesn't Get Better Than This OS BPIS Can SDHF BISS CGN
Am GCH/Can GCH Chestnut All The World's A Stage BISS
Chestnut A Beautiful Ship
Passion's Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels BN RA CA DJ WC TDI CGCA CGCU
GCHS Splendid Chatham Stars And Bars OS
Loonsong-Passion's Mossy Oak AX AXJ
Huntcrest's Questionable Intent
Am CH Laurell's Goin' Great Guns OS SDHF
BISS Am CH Asterling Go Getm Gangbuster OS SDHF
Am. CH Laurell's Final Play OD
CH Huntcrest's Pour Me Another At Tristar
Am./Can. CH./BISS Karabeck's Because I Said So BISS
GCH Wingate's Turnin' Trix BISS OD

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