
Golden Retriever

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Setherwood Escapade  (6/29/2019-)

Call name:"Dash"
Country of origin:Canada
Country of residence:Canada
State of residence:ON
Registration:CKC GL3962149
Breeder:June MacLeod
Owner:Kathy O'Connor
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Setherwood Escapade
CAN GCH. Feli Fey Flying Dutchman JW SGWC
Int. Ch. Xanthos Mondriaan SGWC CCA
Dutch Ch, Dutch, Lux-, German Junior Champion Sultan Of Sand v.d. Beerse Hoeve JW A'dam 07,Bundesjgdsieger 07,Clubjgdsieger 07
Xanthos Foreign Affaire
CH, VDH JCH Goldstrike Wild Cherry
EW'15, Multi Ch. Majik Truth Or Dare NL/D/VDH/LUX/INT/SE/DK BDSG '10, Am.Winner '10
String of Pearls Frou-Frou
GCh Setherwood Tilda
Can. Ch. Bowbell's He's Got The Kavorka
Can. Ch. Bowbell's Hustle'N Flow
BPISS Can. Ch. Sunwind Bowbells Every Obsession
CanCH Setherwood Bouclaire CGN
Can.Ch Dovecottage Daytripper
CanCH Setherwood Phyllis RN

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