
Golden Retriever

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Swanavly Mesmerized Dream  (6/1/2023-)

Call name:"Olive"
Country of origin:Serbia
Country of residence:USA
Registration:FCI Jr 711230 zr
Breeder:Swanavly, Vuckovic Silvana & Vladimir
Owner:Jenny Smith
PRA1 status:Clear by parentage
PRA2 status:Clear by parentage
Ichthyosis status:Clear by parentage
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Swanavly Mesmerized Dream
IntCh ChBiH ChFBIH ChSer ChMKD Club Winner '23. CW'24.JChSer Nalimana Stole The Show
Int.Sh.Ch.Bg.Ch.Cyp.Ch.Ser.Ch.Hr.Ch.BiHCh. Afrodite Winner, BIS Equator Szczesliwy Slon JBIS RBIS Ser.JCh.Hu.JCh.
Jr Ch PL, SK, Jr Polish Winner, Ch PL Ha Ha Zidan Szczesliwy Slon
CH PL Int. Ch. Boogie Woogie Oligarchia Junior Club Winner 2013, Slovenian Winner 2015 Poland Winner
JCHSer,ChSer, CHBIH Club Winner 2013 BISS Magic Mandoline
Int.Ch.Srb.Ch, CroCH,Jun.CH,Club Winner '07 Nunsbrook Peregrine Falcon Qualified for Crufts for Life
JCH Ser Angela's Golden's Daisy
CH Srb Swanavly Strand'n Shine
INTCH JCHSer ChSer Swanavly Diamonds'n Breeze Club Winner Bob, Bis
IntChSerCh Crufts Qualifiied 2016 Swanavly Imperial Emerald
IntCh,SerCh,JCh,Jun Club W. '07, ClubWin '08,'09. Swanavly Nordic Breeze
Ch Srb, JunCh,Jun Club Winner'15 Solid As A Rock Carefree Beauty
IntCh,JCh,Ch Ser,Club Winner 2011, Swanavly Imperial Peridot
Solid As A Rock All That Jazz JW '10 NJK German Ch. VDH/Club

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