
Golden Retriever

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Barklee x Ramsay

(test breeding entered 10/2024)


Barklee x Ramsay
HR UH Jane's Sweet Freedom Barklee
HRCH UH Redwing's Select Cut Timber MH
Choctaw's Yukon Copper Penny MH61 MNH4 WCX ** OS HTHF
Mioak's Libby's Gotta Need For Speed SH
HRCH UH Xena Diana's Red Warrior MH
GRHRCH(3x) Frisbies Rusty Sage MH WCX
Sunny's Rootie Tootie
Taldenian Crystal
Athollridge Gael
Kessgold magic
Fallowfen Avon
Joyful Hugo of Philchris
Brinsworthy Thatcher

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