
Golden Retriever

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Ferndarra Jupiter Lad CDX  (6/10/1982-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Australia
Country of residence:Australia
Registration:ANKC V110627
Breeder:Jill Dusting
Owner:M K Layton
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Ferndarra Jupiter Lad CDX
Aust CH Goldtreve Cameron (AI)
Eng. CH. Camrose Cabus Christopher
Eng. CH. Camrose Tallyrand of Anbria
Cabus Boltby Charmer
Australian Ch Gaewynd Tapestry
Aust. CH Montego Mesqual
Aust CH Inpack Brandy
Aust Ch Ferndarra Roving Gypsy CD
Aust. Ch. Chantesuta Adonis
Aust Ch Anbria Sands
Nordlys Abeline
Jedburgh Sandarra Gold
Aust Ch Goldescort Game Keeper
Gaewynd Cassandra Gold

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