
Golden Retriever

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Golden Trip British Stormy  (6/6/2001-)

Call name:"Stormy"
Country of origin:Other
Country of residence:Unknown
Breeder:Golden Trip Kennel
Owner:M?rcia Dode Becker Costa
Web site:http://www.goldentrip.com.br
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Golden Trip British Stormy
ChBr. Golden Trip's Free Way
Pan GCH CH Int Br Ur CH Woodspoint Bo Zack
BISS Am Can CH Gemstar's Indigo Blue GRCC/GRCA OS
Am CH Woodspoint Lillehammer
Br GCH CH Int Pan CH Nautilus Pikaboo Street
Am CH Nautilus Little Red Corvette OS
BIS BISS Am Can Bda CH Nautilus Boston Cream Pie SDHF OD
Ellen Music of the Night de Moazares
Ch Brazil Shanlimore Karuso
Eng. SH. CH. Jobeka Jasper of Nortonwood
Shanlimore Isla
Xanthos Fleurie
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien
Dewmist Cloudburst

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