
Golden Retriever

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Zackariah Golden King  (8/24/1988-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Unknown
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:AKC SF401649 (2/90)
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Zackariah Golden King
Jacob Huntington
Am. CH Trowsnest Echoing Zephyr CD
Am./Can. CH. Trowsnest Whirlwind UD WC Can CDX WC Am./Can. OS
Am./Can. CH. Sugarbear's Echo of Hilkirk Am./Can. CD Can. WC
Excalibur's Jessie Kate
Trowsnest's Holy Moses Am./Can. CD
Jolly Atoka
Mitre On Sunset
Chicago Golden Sunset
Ollie's Golden Sunset

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