
Golden Retriever

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Harbor City Sweet Evian  (3/20/1996-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:AKC SN33495901 (2-00)
Breeder:J Fairbanks
Owner:J Fairbanks
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Harbor City Sweet Evian
H Russell Perot CDX
Blossoms Golden Rugg Am/Can ***
Hawkeye's Indian Red ***
Rosehill's Golden Blossom WCX OD ***
Harbor City K-K-K Katie
Creekridge D R Tug of War UD
Harbor City Solitaire
Harbor City Soda Pop
My-Magical Master Musician
Harbor City Born of the Sun CD
My-Magical Peppermutt Patehe
Harbor City Doc's Sonnet
Am./Can. CH Tri Valleys Doc Holiday Am./Can. CDX WC OS
Harbor City Rocking Bell Brez

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