
Golden Retriever

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Sir Dylan Howard  (7/10/1994-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:USA
Registration:AKC SN18268008
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Sir Dylan Howard
Ch. Nautilus Silk Degrees
Am/Can Ch. Nautilus Edgehill Crown Onyx OS
BIS BISS Am. Can. CH Asterling's Jamaica Verdict OS SDHF
BIS Am./Can./Bda. CH. Nautilus Edgehill Diamen' Ice CD OD SDHF
Am. Can. CH Twin-Beau-D Nautilus Seastar OD
BISS Am CH Twin Beau D's JJ OS
BIS Am CH Cloverdale Twin-Beau-D Joy OD SDHF
Bailey Irish Cream Denehy
Lord Sterling Marcus G
Twin-Beau-D's Jay-J's Joyy JP
Rebecca Lizzie Dorion
Lady Megan Sterling Gutterson
Lord Thunderbolt
Lady Lightning II

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