
Golden Retriever

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INTERCh, GRANDCh,ClubCh, JChCZ,ChCZ,ChD(VDH),ChSK Watterloo Misantos 5xNational Winner, Club Winner,BIS, 10x BOB  (9/22/2004-1/4/2018)

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Call name:"Benny"
Country of origin:Czech Republic
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:Other CLP/GR/9293/06
Breeder:Misek Antonin Misantos
Owner:Petra a Pavel M?kovi, Kennel ARTEMIS GOLD CZ
Web site:http://www.artemis-gold.cz
Hip clearance:HD A/A, DKK 0/0
Eye clearance:normal/clear PRA/PR 2015
Elbow clearance:ED A/A, DLK 0/0
Dentition clearance:full
Image linked by:Pavel M?ek [Click to edit image]


INTERCh, GRANDCh,ClubCh, JChCZ,ChCZ,ChD(VDH),ChSK Watterloo Misantos 5xNational Winner, Club Winner,BIS, 10x BOB
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ICh, MCh, MJCh Ordoghegyi Berni Eni Tara
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