
Golden Retriever

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Copperglo Kintia  (3/24/1992-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Australia
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:Other Q 1353600
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Copperglo Kintia
Aust Ch Allstyle Mr Bigshot
Aust Ch Goldfleece Highnmighty
Aust Ch Goldog Alpine Kimberly
Aust Ch Briden Brittany CD
Aust Ch Heathermist Centrefold
MBISS MABBIS Aust. Ch. Ferngold Commodore
Aust. Ch. Glennessa Undercover Girl
Copperglo Delightful CDX
Miaura De Baucher
Aust. CH Queenlee Debonair AOC QC
Aust Ch Miaura Topdrawer
Copperglo Arial

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