
Golden Retriever

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Ph Ch Rockstar Idol Way She Moves  (8/17/2008-)

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Call name:"Miku"
Honorifics:Multi-BBPIS, Multi-BOB, Multi-Group1, BOS
Country of origin:Philippines
Country of residence:Unknown
Breeder:Michael Bravo & Winkle Young
Owner:Gary Po & Agnes Montelibano
Web site:http://georgetowngoldens.weebly.com/welcome.html
Image linked by:gary po [Click to edit image]


Ph Ch Rockstar Idol Way She Moves
Phil HOF Rockstar Idol's Dbl D Magic
Ph HOF Zippidee Magicl Talisman (Grand Sire of Merit)
Am Ch Sandpoint Talisman OS
Ph Gr Ch Masters Double or Nothing
Care Bear Double Dare Ya (Dam of Merit)
Phil Ch Shyan's Catch Me If U Can
Phil Ch Care Bear Double Dare
Ph Gr Ch Zippidee Doubly Mushy
Ph HOF/Can Ch Sidekick A Kickin' At Zippidee SDHF
BIS BISS Am CH Lovejoy's Catchme If U CanCan SDHF Am and Can OS
Can Ch. Allsgold's Catch Me At Sidekick Can OD
Ph Gr Ch Masters Double or Nothing
Am-Can Ch Masters Take The Money'n'run
Am/Can CH Edgehill Masters C N Double OD

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