
Golden Retriever

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CH Atom of S Ti Mai Kennel  (1/30/2007-11/8/2009)

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Call name:"Angel"
Honorifics:# 1 Taiwan Golden Bitch 2008
Country of origin:Other
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:Other KCT GR 00139/07
Breeder:Chih Hsyun Lin
Owner:Harry Hu
Image linked by:Hu harry [Click to edit image]


CH Atom of S Ti Mai Kennel
CH Bataver of Pao Fu Kennel
Future Utopia of Milky Happiness JP
JapCH Nos of Yoshida Enterprise JP
JapCH Sutekkeru JP's Dancing Elito
Wendy sunshine JP Bronnen
Queen Bless JP Golden Atlanta
Sutekkeru JP's Burning Wendy
Can CH Jollyjoe Fairytamer
BISS Am. Ch. Amberac Yer Chips R Taykin SDHF OS
BIS BISS Am CH Lovejoy's Catchme If U CanCan SDHF Am and Can OS
Ch. Amberac Yer Not Ms. Taykin OD
Can CH Baylor Jojo Cover Girl
BISS Am/Can CH Summits High Voltage OS SDHF
Stormyridge Pagan Spring

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