
Golden Retriever

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Olimpia tik Herkus  (5/17/2008-)

Call name:"Ota"
Country of origin:Other
Country of residence:Unknown
Breeder:A. Zukauskas
Owner:I. Mikiene
Web site:http://www.olimpija.lt/
Hip clearance:A/A
Eye clearance:Clear
Heart clearance:Clear
Elbow clearance:0/0
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Olimpia tik Herkus
Multi Jun.CH Cheer's Superbalanced Winner of Spec.dog show
Chaveni's Explosive Dynamite
SUCH Okej's Explosive Symphony
NUCH NV-94 Chadilla av Vervik
SE U(U)CH Cheer's Once Or Twice
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Cheer's Way Of The World
Cheer's Dazzle
LV LTU CH Erima Herkus
Int.Ch., Pl. LT. Ch. Jaskar Tarquin
UK Sh Ch, IR Sh Ch Remington Ramsey
Jaskar Amy
LTU CH Lady Minevra Oligarchia
Perrimay Flamboyant
PL. Ch. Golden Game Oligarchia

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