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HCH Club Ch W 14. O'Whisperer from Flawless Carriens (Official Therapy Dog)  (5/25/2008-12/23/2016)

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Call name:"Zoya"
Honorifics:5xCAC, 8xresCAC, Therapy-dog, FCI-Working cerf.
Country of origin:Hungary
Country of residence:Unknown
Breeder:Marta Farkas
Owner:Marta Farkas - Tikotta
Web site:http://www.tikotta.hu
Hip clearance:A/A
Eye clearance:clear
Heart clearance:clear
Elbow clearance:0/0
Thyroid clearance:Normal
prcd-PRA status:Sequomics (HU) Clear
PRA1 status:Sequomics (HU) Clear
PRA2 status:Sequomics (HU) Clear
Ichthyosis status:Sequomics (HU) Affected
DM status:Seqomics ( HU) Clear
Cause of death:IMHA
Image linked by:Farkas Marta [Click to edit image]


HCH Club Ch W 14. O'Whisperer from Flawless Carriens (Official Therapy Dog)
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