
Golden Retriever

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Hera + Fino

(test breeding entered 2/2012)


Hera + Fino
FINO Banda Midasa
Pl.Ch. Perfect Partner Oligarchia (FCI)
Ger. CH. Nose To Nose of The Hellacious Acres
Pl.Ch. Hopla Zyjemy Oligarchia (FCI)
Orient Pearl Rescator
Guss Sciron
Kalma z Dulnaku
Hera Adekatos
Mł.ChPL, ChPL Cezar Adekatos z Dziada Pradziada
Igo z Zaglebia
Aza z Ulicy Torowej
Pandora Adekatos
Igo z Zaglebia
Medium Apple Hailer Biale Zloto

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