
Golden Retriever

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Am. CH Dalane Sao Paulo's Rhythm And Soul CD,BN,CGC,  (11/23/2011-)

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Call name:"Paulo"
Honorifics:Finished with 3 majors-two back-to-back and a BOB
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:AKC SR70879502
Breeder:Jane Jensen & Judi Voss
Owner:Jerry Oldroyd & Laura Oldroyd & Jane Jensen
Microchip/Tattoo #Home Again 985121010613225
Eye clearance:OFA GR-EYE3490/24M-VPI
Image linked by:Laura Oldroyd [Click to edit image]


Am. CH Dalane Sao Paulo's Rhythm And Soul CD,BN,CGC,
MultiBIS Ch.In. Ch.F. Br.Ch. Am.Ch. GCH Peterwhite's Melik Angel
BISJrBrCh BrCh GrBrCh MexCh AmCh Goodtime's O'Brown Sugar
Am Ch. Dalane's Kix on Route Sixty Six OS
Am Ch Goodtime's April in Paris OD
JCh Ch Br ChPan GCh T'ai Peace of Peterwhite
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder
JCH Golden Trip British Lady
Am CH Dalane-24k Magic & Mystery OD
Am. CH Futura Masters Duck Duck Goose RN OS
Am Can CH Nautilus Just A Gigilo OS SDHF
Masters Futura West In Time OD
Am. CH. Dalane-Season Magic Moment OD
Am.Can. Ch. Pacificgold's Bavarian Cobbler BIS BISS SDHF OS
Am. Ch. Dalane-Season Star of Shania

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