K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Honorbright Designer Jeans  (4/1/1995-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:AKC SN23879007
Hip clearance:OFA Excellent
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Honorbright Designer Jeans
Ch Adare Ingelnook Designed One
BISS Am/CanCH Cedarwoods By Design
Am/Can CH Davoeg Silky Beau
CH Cedarwood Standing Ovation
Ch Adare's Sheal B Charming
AmCH Valleywood Skyrocket
AmCH Adare's Charmaine
CH Cheselea Honorbright Destiny
AmCH Valleywood Skyrocket
Am CH Driftwood Celebration
Am CH Valleywood Kannonball Kate
Honorbright Golden Odyssey
Am.Ch. Riverroad's Oliver
Am.Ch. Riverroad's Chelsea

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