
Golden Retriever

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Sunbeam Gentle K

(test breeding entered 9/2012)


Sunbeam Gentle K
Much A Doo v.d. Beerse Hoeve by Ebbledown
ENG CH Ebbledown Riversleigh KCJW
Talliska Trade-Off to Lindjan J.W.
Ebbledown High Society
Int. Sh.Ch, Dutch-,Lux-, German and VDH Champion Ringtone v.d. Beerse Hoeve Dutch Junior Ch, Bundessieger 09
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch., Ger. Jr. CH. Xanthos Apple Jack Europa Jgs Sgr01, Bundessieger06, Brussels Winner
Lux. Jch Midnight Madness v.d. Beerse Hoeve
Sunbeam Gentle Hayden Hayd?e
Waterloo's Top Modern
Whoopi's Zz Top
Waterloo's Blue Moon
L.A. Rechardon's Celebration
Eng. CH. Xanthos Black Thorn JW, SGWC
Sunbeam Gentle Charon Irish Dream

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