
Golden Retriever

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Ramblebriar Bonnie Rebekah CD  (12/5/1978-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:AKC SC618976 (9/1982)
Breeder:W & B Hill
Owner:N & W Burpee
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Ramblebriar Bonnie Rebekah CD
Jayba's Samson Of Dixie
Tigathoes Redhead
Bainin of Caernac CD *** OS
Tigathoe's Hothead *
Tigathoe's Sheba
Tigathoe's Tonka **
Bonnie's Sand Trap
Ramblebriar's White Gold Luv
BISS Am Can CH Gold-Rush's Great Teddy Bear OS SDHF
Am./Can./Bda. CH. Cummings' Gold-Rush Charlie OS, Am./Can. SDHF
Am. CH. Golden Pine Glorybe's Angel OD
Golden Pine Cricket CD
Am./Can. CH. Seneca's Riparian Chief CD TD WC OS SDHF
Am. CH. Golden Pine Glorybe OD

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