
Golden Retriever

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RACH Otterbrook's Song of Ice and Fire UD,PCDX,BN,GO,RM3,RAE4,JH,WC,CCA,VC  (4/3/2014-12/24/2024)

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Call name:"Steel"
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:USA
State of residence:NY
Registration:AKC SR82466307
Breeder:Joanne Mambrino & Virginia Goertz
Owner:Mary Maltbie, Joanne Mambrino & Virginia Goertz
Microchip/Tattoo #985112003622202
Web site:https://www.otterbrookgoldens.com
CHIC Number:119775
Hip clearance:OFA GR-118490G34M-VPI
PennHIP Number:.37/.36
Eye clearance:OFA GR-EYE10213/126M-VPI (10/24)
Heart clearance:OFA GR-CA30559/23M/C-VPI
Elbow clearance:OFA GR-EL38307M34-VPI
prcd-PRA status:Paw Print 106221 Carrier
PRA1 status:Paw Print 106221 Clear
PRA2 status:Paw Print 106221 Clear
Ichthyosis status:Paw Print 106221 Clear
DM status:Paw Print 106221 Clear
NCL status:Clear GR-CL5-640/57M-PI OFA
Cause of death:Abdominal bleed - Probable Hemangiosarcoma
Image linked by:Joanne Mambrino [Click to edit image]


RACH Otterbrook's Song of Ice and Fire UD,PCDX,BN,GO,RM3,RAE4,JH,WC,CCA,VC
MHR Otterbrooks Outta My Way
Semper Wasatch Rocky Mtn Kai MH *** OS
Wraith's Duncan MH *** OS
Wasatch's Prairie Fire JH
SR Otterbrooks Miss Whimsy CD JH MX MXJ WC CCA VC
AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr Speaker MH OS CCA FDHF
MHR Otterbrook's Bonny Breeze MH ** WCX OD
Sunfire's Clorox Bright CCA OD
Can. Triple CH FTCH AFTCH OTCH Firemark's Push Comes to Shove Can. WCX Am. *** OS
FC Wraiths HTR MN Bro Macdhuibh OS
GMHR Phoebe's Prize Piponia CDX MH AX AXJ WCX CCA VCX OD
Sunfire's Rainier Lux OD
OTCh Stardust Rainier Rocky OBHF OS
Sunfire's Mighty Dove SH WCX OD

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