
Golden Retriever

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RLD N Wood and Water Nyfikna Ninni  (5/1/2010-)

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Call name:"Ninni"
Honorifics:RLD N MH
Country of origin:Sweden
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:FCI SE37494/2010
Breeder:Lena Sj?holm
Owner:Marie Forsberg
Hip clearance:A/A
Eye clearance:Ua
Elbow clearance:0/0
PRA1 status:Clear
Image linked by:Marie Forsberg [Click to edit image]


RLD N Wood and Water Nyfikna Ninni
Gleen Mhor's Dark
DK.BR.CH Clockburn Clooneen
F.T.W Greenfoot Rum
F.T.W Clockburn Commotion
Gate My Melodie Of Golden Spirit
Boy Quiver Creek's Owlsburgh
Gleen Mhor's Awe
Vassruggens Ollie Vaermsk
Joe's Jeff
Golden Game Larry
DKBRCH DKJCH SJCH Spica (Dk 25922/86)
Ambertrail Joy's Pool Position
FTCH AFTCH Shurmark's Split Decision Am. MH *** OS Can. FDHF
Ambertrail's Super Razzy Can. MH

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