
Golden Retriever

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Carolee's One and Only

Call name:
Country of origin:Canada
Country of residence:Unknown
Breeder:Shirley Goodman, Ontario (Carolee Kennels)
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Carolee's One and Only
Can CH Beckwith's Carolees Gamble CGC TDI
Am./Can.CH Beckwiths Justa Tuckerbear OS SDHF
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF
Am./Can. CH. Smith Ridge Beckwith's Delite OD
Am Can CH Beckwiths Whirlaway Dust
Am. CH. Alderbrooke's Bojangles SDHF
Beckwiths Hot Cider
Can.Ch. Carolee's Echo of Fable
Caesar 4th CanCD
Can.Ch. Setherwood Lord Sacha
Brangin Alexandra of Luxemburg
CanCH Carolee's Amazing Grace
Can CH Butterblac's Baccarat Am/Can CD CanOS
Carolee's Classic Crystal CanWCI

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