K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Marks Mate Of Jolor  (6/26/1957-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:AKC SA027339 (6-60)
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Marks Mate Of Jolor
Chidley Bounder
Shelcot Mayduke Of Cedarland
DualCh Staindrop Saighdear
Poppleton Golden Charm of Cedarland
AmCH Chidley Shady Lady
Am. Ch. Hugger Mugger
Am.Ch. Chidley Spook
Tracy's Chidley Dot
Chidley Bride's Biscuit
Am. Ch. Hugger Mugger
Chidley Honey Bun
Walden's Tory
Am. Ch. Hugger Mugger
Chidley Two Shakes

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