
Golden Retriever

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Tahnee Sunday Morning Coming Down  (8/17/2015-)

Call name:"Sundae"
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:USA
Registration:AKC SR89597101
Breeder:Linda Carmichael and John MacCrea
Owner:Linda Carmichael
Microchip/Tattoo #985112006825100
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Tahnee Sunday Morning Coming Down
GCHB CH Rustic Pines What's Your Pleasure SDHF
GCH CH Sunny Ridge Dudley Do-Right CD BVISS OS
GCH CH Mariah-Hillock Magicl Mystry Tur OS
CH Sunny Ridge Amazing Grace UD, OD
CH Summits Backseat Betty
BISS Am. CH Hytree's Ryd-N- Out The Storm SDHF OS
BISS GCH CH Summits Every Fashion Venture OD
Tahnee Doolin CN Double CCA
Am. CH. Tahnee Tupelo Xmas Cordial OS
Ch. Carlin's Holiday A Xmas Carol OS
Ch. Tupelo Tahnee Tuff Cookie
Sunnyglen Doolin Central Standard
Am. Can. CH Spicewood's Wind Symphony OS
CH Greatbrook's Scarlet Begonias

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