
Golden Retriever

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Goldbrior From Paris With Love  (5/26/2016-)

Call name:"Paris"
Country of origin:Australia
Country of residence:Australia
Registration:ANKC 21004453653
Breeder:Linda & Ian Olsen
Owner:Samara and Rob Hill
Eye clearance:ACES Clear January 2018
Heart clearance:Clear
PRA1 status:Animal Genetics Clear
PRA2 status:Animal Genetics Clear
Ichthyosis status:Animal Genetics Carrier
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Goldbrior From Paris With Love
Goldbrior Ghost De La Rayere (AI)
INT (C.I.B. + C.I.E.) CH Fly To Ghost Myst du Bois de la Rayere
NO UCH, SE U(U)CH Ramchaine Snap To Jako's
Bouquet Imperial du Bois de la Rayere
Goldbrior What a Look
Goldbrior Perfect To Keep
Goldbrior Got the Look
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Goldbrior Banjo Paterson
Nireno Mellow Boy
Goldbrior Waltzn Matilda
Montego Kiwi from Heaven (IID)
Inniscroft In Seventh Heaven
Inniscroft Twinkle Li'l Star

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