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CanCH Hollykins Base Hitter  (5/23/2016-)

Call name:"Blue"
Honorifics:Finished CH In 48 hours at 6months 3 days
Country of origin:Canada
Country of residence:Canada
State of residence:AB
Breeder:Holly J Robinson
Owner:Sunny Sehkon
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


CanCH Hollykins Base Hitter
BIS RBIS Can GCH Wyncoras Mission Accomplished WC AgIS AgIJS JT CGN DJ BBPIS
MBISS Am GCH Can CH Thornelea Here's Looking At You, Kid JH, CCA, BISS
Am CH Crystalfall's Fortune Hunter NAJ NAP NJP OS
Am/Can CH Sunnybrae Thornelea Stargazer OD
Can Ch Hollykins Voice of Reason Can CGN TDI
BISS Am CH Aubridge Wave Your Rights RN OS
Can CH Hollykins Journey To Snowtree Can WC, CD, OD / Am CD TD CGC
Hollykins Ohoh Thats an Oopsie
BPISS Can Ch Hollykins All The Rite Reasons OS CGN RN WC
BISS Am CH Aubridge Wave Your Rights RN OS
Can CH Hollykins Journey To Snowtree Can WC, CD, OD / Am CD TD CGC
Multi BIS Can GCH Hollykins Wyncora DEN to YYC SDHF
Am-Can CH Venture Redog's Magic Hat Trick OS
CanCH Hollykins Solstrom CGN TDI RE

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