K9data.com | Golden Retriever Looking for a Golden Retriever puppy? Click here. |
Costadoro She's A Rainbow CGC, TKI (5/26/2016-)
Call name: | "Bea" |
Gender: | F |
Country of origin: | USA |
Country of residence: | USA |
State of residence: | OR |
Registration: | AKC SR93833801 |
Breeder: | Michele Gawenka |
Owner: | Tom and Jenny DeHaas |
Microchip/Tattoo # | 981020017526935 |
Web site: | costadorogoldenretrievers.com |
Eye clearance: | OFA GR-EYE12635/12F-VPI (5/17) |
Heart clearance: | OFA GR-ACA1122/12F-VPI |
prcd-PRA status: | Animal Genetics 00060511 Clear |
PRA1 status: | Animal Genetics 00060511 Clear |
PRA2 status: | Animal Genetics 00060511 Clear |
Ichthyosis status: | Animal Genetics 00060511 Clear |
Image linked by: | Michele Gawenka [Click to edit image] |