
Golden Retriever

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Montana's Sweet Majik White Diamond  (5/10/2016-)

Call name:"Bettie"
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:USA
Breeder:Montana English Golden Retrievers
Hip clearance:BVA 3:6
Elbow clearance:BVA 0:0
prcd-PRA status:Clear by parentage
PRA1 status:Clear by parentage
PRA2 status:Clear by parentage
Ichthyosis status:Paw Print Carrier
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Montana's Sweet Majik White Diamond
CanGCH, U-CH, Int'l/Nat'l JCH Majik Captain Wenthworth CCA
ICh, Fr.Ch, German, VDH, Lux. Ch, Lux. JCh Inassicas Coriander
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Cheer's Way Of The World
Inassicas Sea Mayweed
C.I.E,LV CH, NO CH, LT CH Majik Fashion Victim
Est Junior Ch, Fin JW-05, Balt JW-06 Remington Razzle Dazzle
Majik Whiter Shade
Tintagel Sweet Genavive
UKC & IABCA INT'L SH CH Gentiana Golden Prince
INT CH. Mitcharron Memphis Laird
Abnalls Summer Dawn For Gentiana
Gentiana Golden Topaz
Mitcharron River Phoenix for Gentiana
Mitcharron Memphis Mist for Gentiana

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