
Golden Retriever

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Ranger George Trudeau  (4/24/2003-)

Call name:"Ranger"
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:USA
Registration:AKC SR08612002
Breeder:Karen P Lindstrom
Owner:Tom Trudeau
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Ranger George Trudeau
Blue Goose's Braveheart
Can. CH Gaybry's Private Stock Can. CDX WCX
Am/Can CH. Landican's Lord Whiskers CDX WC OS BIS
Can. Ch. Gaybry's Cameo Sensation CD
WR Bridgette Belzerae Shannon UD JH NA WCX TDI
Gold'n Locks Golden Pooh
Golden Paws Lizziemae Malloy
Grey Oaks Circle R Reba
Belvedere Forever Raisn'cain *** OS
Sky-Lab Argus of Belvedere *** OS
Amber Of Belvedere ** OD
Circle R Money Talks JH
FTCH AFTCH Shurmark's Split Decision Am. MH *** OS Can. FDHF
Fireside Bewitched

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