K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Kresland Tudor Hill Sundance  (4/22/1988-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Unknown
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:AKC SF297442
Web site:https://www.ofa.org/advanced-search?appnum=386089
Hip clearance:OFA LR-41781G39M
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Kresland Tudor Hill Sundance
CH BE, LUX Union Jack of Tintagel Winds
Fr.Am.Int.Ch.World Ch. Sandylands Rip Van Winkle
GB Sh.Ch. Sandylands My Rainbeau
GB Sh.Ch. Sandylands Busy Liz
Reverie of Tintagel Winds
CHIB Kupros Lucifer
CH Ballyduff Sunflower
Ch Kresland's Double Trouble
Am.Ch. Killingworth Kresland Risky
AmCH Clemmsen Of Killingworth
Killingworth Katherine
Borador's Baby Grande
AmCH Shookstown Sundance
AmCH Grande Dame Of Mansergh

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