
Golden Retriever

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HnrSR Tudorose Ethereal Touch  (5/11/2017-)

Call name:"Bear"
Honorifics:IACBA 2x's BOB puppy
Country of origin:Serbia
Country of residence:USA
State of residence:MN
Registration:FCI JR 84983 Zr
Breeder:Kristina Blagojevic, Tudorose
Microchip/Tattoo #941000021056580
prcd-PRA status:Clear by parentage
PRA1 status:Animal Genetics Affected
PRA2 status:Clear by parentage
Ichthyosis status:Animal Genetics Carrier
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


HnrSR Tudorose Ethereal Touch
SerbianCH Solid As A Rock Freedom At Swanavly CGCA, CGCU
German Club Ch., German VDH Ch. Rosegrove Let It Be Me Bundesjugendsieger2012
Eng.Sh.Ch Shardanell Castaspell JW
Rosegrove Follow Your Dream
Swanavly Tangerine Dream
Int.Ch.Srb.Ch, CroCH,Jun.CH,Club Winner '07 Nunsbrook Peregrine Falcon Qualified for Crufts for Life
Int Ch Ro Ch Swanavly Ray of Love
JCh, Ch Srb Tudorose Subtle Love
JCh, ChSrb Gently Heart of Goga
IntCh,JCh,Ch Ser,Club Winner 2011, Swanavly Imperial Peridot
Ch Srb Eternal Flame V.I.M. Team
Srb/Mne JCh, Srb Ch, Jun. Club Winner '13 Silkstyle Elizabeth
SerCH Swanavly Nordic Seal Ch Reproduction
Sr. Ch. Alfa Silkstyle

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