K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Fendawood Nomad  (6/11/2017-)

Call name:"Spike"
Country of origin:Austria
Country of residence:Denmark
Breeder:David Latham
Owner:Pernille Lillevang, Brown Hunt DK
Web site:www.brownhunt.dk
Hip clearance:FCI A/C
Elbow clearance:FCI 0/0
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Fendawood Nomad
FTW Ragweed's Grandeur Of Fendawood
FTCh & Int. FTCh Beileys Aguzannis Of Fendawood
Int FTCh Ragweed's Travel
FTCh Fernshot Olivia
Emmanygan Raven
FTCh Tasco Monk of Mansengreen
FTW Emmanygan Gypsy
Fendawood Dorisday
Ravensmoor Kite
FTCh Willowyck Ruff
Buxbury Bathsheba
Int.FTCh Ragweed's Greedy of Fendawood
Int FTCh Ragweed's Travel
Waterfriend Sledge

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