
Golden Retriever

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Ocotilla Kick Start My Heart NAP NJP  (12/19/2017-)

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Call name:"Finn"
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:USA
Registration:AKC SS03298201
Breeder:Karen Lamb & Brit Haley
Owner:Laurie & Dave Ingram
Image linked by:Laurie and David Ingram [Click to edit image]


Ocotilla Kick Start My Heart NAP NJP
UCH Farm Fresh BR's Heres the Buzz CD, RE, (CH Ptd), UCD, AG1, CGC
UCH, CH BR's Overdraft Protection CDX, RE, UCD, UR01, BVOSS
BISS CH Nautilus Show Me The Money CDX RN OS SDHF
UAG1 UCD UCH Farm Fresh BR Faithfuly Yurs CDX RAE MX AXJ OD
Farm Fresh Two Two Tuesday CD RAE
BIS, BISS,AmCH CanGCH Goldenmoment's 007's Bond/ Double O Seven's Bond CanOS SDHF
Farm Fresh Mairzy Doats CD RA
Bonacres Alpine Aspen Gold of Ocotilla CGCA, CGCU, TKDA
CH Bonacres Boogie Nights
Am. CH. Hillock's Meredreme's Kazaam OS
Bonacres Ingrid Bergman
Bonacres Brick House
Aylwyn Autumn Twist of Fate
Bonacres Jungle Boogie

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