
Golden Retriever

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Putnam's Eldorado Tobal  (4/15/1959-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:AKC S984847 (8/63)
Breeder:Roger L Putnam Jr
Owner:Thomas Martin
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Putnam's Eldorado Tobal
Celloyd Golden Rocket
Am. CH. Celloyd Golden Rory OS
AmCH Copper's Czar Again OS SDHF
Celloyd Bess of Nashoba OD
Celloyd Rhapsody
Am. CH. Duke Of Rochester II CD
Am. CH. Celloyd Symphony
Princess Ronhild
Am. CH. Tom Of Tawnyo
Karlow (S251899)
Am. CH. Goldwood Teal
June Of Jay Hill
Lincolnia Jason of Little Hill
Jay Hill Josephine

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